The green pastures of Pays de Herve
Our terroir has been one of permanent pastures since the 15th century. Agriculture, still a family pursuit,
consists primarily of dairy farms. The cattle feed on plentiful grass as they graze freely in the meadows.
The high-quality milk they produce is vital in making a top-quality fresh cheese.
Fromagerie Régal is a partner of the sustainable dairy network:

Our cattle graze on pasture grass in the meadows of which our Pays de Herve region is so proud. The fresh milk that they produce is processed immediately after milking.
The milk comes from part of our family farm Ferme Bidelot, adjacent to the cheese dairy. Our processing method, which is largely completed by hand, ensures that the cheese is worked gently.
In addition, Fromagerie Régal is a partner of the MARGUERITE HAPPY COW sustainable dairy network. The goal of this network is to produce high-quality milk intended for local processing into cheese. The network is committed to feeding cattle on grass and locally produced plant foods guaranteed to be GMO free, and to grazing times of at least 180 days per year.
For more information: